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Mouna Bint Amarid
(GR Amarid x Mouhannas Zera)
Jument baie, 1m54
Kuhaylah Ajuz, Blue list
Asil, lignées pures égyptiennes
Très belle jument pur-sang arabe égyptienne, elevée par l'Haras Sainte-Dominique en Haute-Provence. Très endurant et reproductrice exceptionelle.
Reproduction à l'haras
ZeenaPouliche baie par Shaikh Al Damaran |
"The first of the Al-Kuhayl and the dearest and most valuable of the Arabs of Nejd" (Abbas Pasha Manuscript)
"In my opinion and from observation of horses in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, there is nothing more sure footed, symmetrical or better balanced in conformation than a pure-in-the-strain Kuhaylan." (Raswan)
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